Adhinda M Rahardjo
2 min readDec 29, 2023

The Moral Dichotomy

Photo by Xuan Luo on Unsplash

Ah, the dazzling display of moral fortitude! Indonesians, known for their exceptional talent in the realm of moral segmentation, have perfected the art of cherry-picking human rights causes.

A grandiose podium where the righteous champions of Indonesian morality bellow their support for human rights in Palestine. Oh, the symphony of passionate speeches and flag-waving in the name of justice echoes through the land! Yet, as the spotlight fades, a peculiar silence befalls another stage – the one shadowed by Rohingya refugees.

Behold the ingenious skill of moral compartmentalization! They passionately advocate for justice in one corner of the world while conveniently turning a blind eye to the suffering in another. The proficiency with which they shuffle empathy from one cause to another is truly commendable.

In this dazzling display of selective empathy, xenophobia and hate crimes against Rohingya refugees somehow warrant a different set of moral principles. "Oh, but that’s a different story," they declare with an air of expertise in moral gymnastics. The paradoxical dance continues: loud advocacy here, a muted response there.

What a symphony of contradictions! The passionate outcry for one oppressed community seamlessly coexists with the tacit endorsement of hostility toward another. It’s a well-choreographed ballet of moral ambiguity, leaving the audience bewildered by the acrobatics of ethical inconsistency.

Ah, the beauty of moral segmentation! The ability to shout from the moral high ground while tip-toeing around uncomfortable truths is a talent indeed. Who knew one could champion human rights with such fervor yet conveniently sideline others?

In this captivating performance of selective morality, Indonesia shines brightly – not for its unified stance on universal human rights but for its remarkable ability to compartmentalize compassion and rationalize selective outrage.

Adhinda M Rahardjo

International Affairs and Global Strategy Junior Analyst